Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm looking for long hair styles for men.?

I have very long hair. It鈥檚 black and hangs all the way down my back. I am getting kinda bored with it and want to try something new, but still have it long. I was hoping you could refer me to some photos of long hair styles for men. So I will have something to show the hair cut person when I walk in.

Thank you.I'm looking for long hair styles for men.?
Here are some:

You could also use hairstyles software:'m looking for long hair styles for men.?
try layering it then you still have long hair,and you may also pull it back or up which ever you prefer. hope it helps!
There is not a WHOLE lot you can do, but that's OK cause long hair on a guy is really hot. (as long as they keep it clean--greasy stringy just doesn't work) If it is REALLY long, maybe you should cut it to about halfway down your back. That is a good length and tie it back.
To be honest, I don't think there are different hairstyles for men with long hair. At least I don't think the looks will look good. The only thing you can do is just leave it the way it is, and tie it. Guys who have long hair, and tie it look great. If you have really long hair, having it loose is not that great. That is the price for guys who have long hair, because it's always about having it long, and not styling it. If you were to cut your hair, then you would be able to experiment with styles. So, you can leave it long, and not do much with it, or cut it and experiment with other styles.
There isn't to many styles for long hair. I do know that Locks of Love is in need of hair for their cancer patients. So cut that pony tail, donate it, then have your hair styled. A new look %26amp; a new you. You would also feel good about yourself by helping another one out. Think about it.

P.S. I luv long hair on men, my man has a pony tail, its 28 inches long, he has been wanting to cut it for a long time, and I have always said no, but I was driving to work one day this week and over heard that Locks Of Love is in desire need of hair. So we will soon be going to cut that pony tail and he will be able to help 2 people out. Hair has to be at least 10 inches.
how about cut it a little bit?????????????how about this website

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